Puglia between sea, sun and folklore: a journey through traditions and events


Puglia between sea, sun and folklore: a journey through traditions and events

Who arrives in Puglia is not only overwhelmed by the beauty of the landscape, the food and the friendliness of its inhabitants. Who arrives in Puglia is overwhelmed by the many events of folklore scattered among villages and towns, but there are also those that take place in the city. The folkloristic patrimony of Apulia, in fact, is particularly interesting and involving.

Among the events not to be missed there is certainly the feast of St. Nicholas in Bari which invades the city every year in May. Bari becomes the stage for processions, sea processions and flag-waving to celebrate the feat of the sailors who, in the medieval period, stole the bones of the Saint from Mira besieged by infidels, bringing them back to safety in their city. There is a very strong link between religion and events, as Apulia represented the obligatory passage of the crusaders towards the Holy Land. Always with a religious background is the feast of the “horse parade” in Brindisi, to celebrate Saint Theodore, patron saint of the city. The festival lasts four days and before returning to the heart of the city to admire the rites with the illuminations and fireworks, the bishop on horseback, walks the streets of the city while the crowd throws flowers. Upon arrival in the port area all ships sound their sirens, waiting for the blessing of the waters.

Going a little further south, until we reach Salento, a popular destination for its Caribbean beaches and summer nightlife, we may be lucky enough to hear the most folkloristic music of the area: the pizzica.

The pizzica is the typical music that used to mark the ancient ritual of cure from the bite of the tarantula, a dangerous poisonous spider. Legend has it that in order to free the victim, tambourines had to be played at a rapid and whirling pace until the spell was broken.

Like every year, from August 8 to 25, the event Notte della Taranta returns, the largest music and folklore festival dedicated to the recovery and constant enhancement of the Salento’s pizzica. All clear, right? Now you just have to choose the event that best suits you in conjunction with your wedding in Puglia. The advantage? Regardless of the choice, the common denominator is always the same: Puglia.

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